Chiropractic Therapy
Chiropractic care focuses on properly aligning the body’s structures, to allow for natural healing. This is based on the concept that the nervous system coordinates all of the body's...
Find out MoreAcupuncture
Traditional Chinese medicine explains acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force — known as chi — believed to flow through pathways (meridians) in...
Find out MoreDeep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massage is a type of massage aimed at the deeper tissue structures of the muscle and fascia, also called connective tissue. Deep tissue massage uses many of the same movements...
Find out MoreCompression Therapy
Compression therapy uses compressed air to massage the arms, leg, or hips. The compress aired creates a pulsing pattern that works its way up from the hands or feet and moves blood,...
Find out MoreLocalized Cryotherapy
Localized cryotherapy is the application of cryogenically cooled air, using a controlled beam of vaporized liquid nitrogen to a specific area of the body. This treatment is designed...
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